Yayasan Ali Dachlan Center
Where does it come from?
Ali Dachlan Center Foundation, abbreviated as ADC, is a humanitarian institution that cares about humanitarian and environmental issues. ADC is a non-profit organization.
Founded by Mochamad Ali Bin Dachlan on February 21, 2007 with the deed of Notary Abdullah, SH number 16/2007, based in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Indonesia. The founder of ADC is also the founder of the first Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in NTB, in 1983.
- building superior Human Resources (HR), mastering information systems and technology, having good morals, being independent, critical, democratic, having a strong civil society, harmony and realizing environmental sustainability and sustainable management of Natural Resources (SDA).
- Contribute and pay great attention to poverty alleviation, namely by empowering the economy of poor communities, village independence, education, namely by providing scholarships to poor childrend, public health, namely by helping the community with medical treatment, and environmental preservation/climate change